
Read below about our automitive use case

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Our product in the automotive industry

Award-winning results

Our product significantly helps to improve the processes in the automotive industry. Both quality and quantity increase when the product is used. Thereby, it is not only the customers but also the employees who benefit from the product. Additionally, sustainability becomes a major factor. For the first time, automotive companies are able to monitor and improve sustainability KPIs with the product.

Customer Success Story

The well-known automotive Example company, winner of the Automotive Innovation Award 2021, uses our product to improve their customer lifetime value. Within only two years, they were able to increase their CLV by more than 10%.

Read the full story in our whitepaper or contact us for a personal demo.

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Truly innovative approach

Consumers in the automotive industry today expect not only technical innovation but also innovative ideas in terms of sustainability and convenience.


Read the entire story

Request the full whitepaper to learn more about the automotive use case and the parallels your can draw to your business. The whitepaper includes a description of the starting situation, shows all actions taken and summarizes the results.

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